What are Benefits Of Cloud Computing

Punit Thakker/ April 1, 2020/ Productivity

There is no doubt that Cloud Computing is the way forward. Currently, most companies are riding the Cloud Computing wave and are reaping rich dividends. Let Shivaami mention a few benefits which can enable your company to switch to Cloud Computing, if not done already. 

  • Increase Productivity 

 Cloud technology helps increase productivity because employees are able to take their work with them and work when they feel most productive. Many software companies have made a successful transition to Cloud Computing and made it convenient to work on the go and never miss a client’s sales inquiry or any other kind of communication. 

  •  Save on IT needs 

Most companies who are on Cloud Computing say that they save substantial costs because they do not require IT support. Since the data resides in the cloud, there is no requirement for backup, etc. Even if hardware breaks down, the user can move to different hardware and start immediately. 

  •  Improve Team Communications 

Cloud Computing is ideal for email, storage and productivity applications like word processing, spreadsheets, etc. They come inbuilt with storage applications like Google Drive for storing files. These can also be the central repository for data for the entire organization. Since they are in the cloud, they are secure.  

  •  Enable Remote Working 

 With working on Cloud Computing, it becomes very easy to work from anywhere. Your employee can be anywhere and yet access work related data from anywhere, as long as he has a proper and stable internet connection. In the current scenario, when the world is staring at a crisis and productivity has fallen due to lockdowns, the only option available is to work from home and cloud computing is all about that. 

  •  The Scalability Factor 

 When on cloud computing, if at all you feel that you want to upscale your storage or downscale too, all in a matter of a few minutes. You do not have to run around deciding which file to delete and which to keep.  

 In conclusion, looking at the points above, one can only say that Cloud Computing is the need of the hour and it is best to hop on to that train and take the technological advantage over your competitors. 




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