Cloud Solution – Debunking one myth at a time

Punit Thakker/ February 24, 2022/ Cloud Solution

You may have heard the phrase, “Do not fear change.” Well, in that context, the reality is that there is no benefit to ignoring change.

Cloud technology has been revolutionizing the global IT industry, affecting both the way companies operate internally and how they serve their customers.

It is enabling companies to go digital—and many companies have embraced the change. But not all of them feel ready to migrate and manage cloud applications—and that’s okay. Not every company is prepared to embrace the latest cloud technologies right away.

Moving to the cloud has its own unique challenges. And yes, there are some common myths about cloud technology that we will address.

Myth 1 –  Less secure than onsite servers

Initially, the Chief security officer of the company would shrug off service providers offering cloud services. 

But such vendors continue to develop their security standards and to make innovative security tools available. 

They now offer the highest level of protection for monitoring customers’ data 24/7 every day.

Slowly, this mindset is starting to change. Many security-conscious entities such as the Defense department, financial service companies, healthcare providers entrust their data to the cloud.

Cloud technology now offers you the most advanced security for monitoring your data from any potential threat 24/7 365 days.

Myth 2 – Not Suitable for Legacy Applications

Many companies worry that their legacy applications won’t work if they adopt the latest cloud technologies. 

However, cloud service providers do support the legacy application in recent years lowering the barrier.

The latest development in the hybrid cloud industry has enabled more organizations to move their complex applications or software into public cloud services.

New development tools with no- or low-code features are enabling the non-IT companies to also develop and deploy functions for their applications.

Myth 3- Not being familiar with the functions

Though Cloud Services is gaining more popularity in recent years it actually took off in the year 2014. 

Cloud services are being used by many Enterprises, however, there is concern among the companies that haven’t transitioned yet due to their lack of knowledge & familiarity with functionality involved in Cloud technology.

In reality, cloud services are becoming easier to use and there’s no background knowledge needed for the developers to start. 

Myth 4 – Cloud Services are too complicated

Cloud services are more agile, flexible, and customizable. You have a lot of choices to create customized solutions for business needs.

As cloud services are becoming more available, it has helped create buy-in and support for the rest of the business to provide solutions for other departments.

The Takeaway

Everything starts with a smart strategy. 

People are frequently scared from shifting to the cloud by these common myths. Migration to the cloud is not a simple task; it takes extensive planning. 

Even a bit of nervousness can make organizations fearful, causing them to miss out on the cloud’s many benefits.

We hope that now that you’ve debunked these myths, you can concentrate entirely on preparing your cloud migration.

The best way to clear all of these misconceptions is to devote time and create smart strategies for cloud migration so that you can gain some confidence. 

The key is to work with experts who understand cloud technologies and their benefits to help you to get the most out of the cloud services. 

To know more on how to take your business to the cloud, get in touch with us at or call us on India – 7757841333 / USA – +1 (415) 967-0091

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